MCU Control Register – MCUCR
Bit |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
SRW10 |
SE |
SM1 |
SM0 |
SM2 |
Read/Write |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
R/W |
Initial Value |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Bit 7 – SRE: External SRAM/XMEM Enable
Writing SRE to one enables the External Memory Interface.The pin functions AD7:0,
A15:8, ALE, WR, and RD are activated as the alternate pin functions. The SRE bit overrides
any pin direction settings in the respective data direction registers. Writing SRE to
zero, disables the External Memory Interface and the normal pin and data direction settings
are used.
Bit 6 – SRW10: Wait-state Select Bit
For a detailed description in non-ATmega103 compatibility mode, see common description
for the SRWn bits below (XMCRA description). In ATmega103 compatibility mode,
writing SRW10 to one enables the wait-state and one extra cycle is added during
read/write strobe as shown in Figure 14.